I woke up to a squirrel running across the roof this morning. It was early, I could tell that by the angle of the sun, which is lucky since I don’t have a functioning watch anymore. I just missed a chance for a photo of a yellow bellied sapsucker while I was eating breakfast, but other than that it has been quiet around the cabin in terms of birds coming close.
My first priority this morning was doing a trip to the pallet shed for materials and then laying the floor. That was done fairly soon, and since I wanted to go to Millville and see if I had any messages about work, I left for the road again quickly.
I pulled a few plants I thought were poison ivy by the stream the other day, and now I am extra cautious as I wade back and forth. I drove to Millville to find Miriam had the day to herself, so I invited her to Woodstock where I wanted to check on half inch foamboard and buy some groceries.
Miriam and I splurged as well and got some snacks, and visited the dollar store to see if they had a compass I could buy as a cover photo for my Working for Ray book.
On our return, stopping on the road for fox pups playing, we watched some videos and then I left, dropping her off at the church where they are again redoing the work of last year for inculcation of the other children. It is a delight to spend time with her and seeing all three of the kids is one of the highlights of my summer. Where would I be otherwise I wonder.
This afternoon, after I returned, I set to work putting together some timbering for the extension of the tin shed. I have the plate together and three studs as well as one rafter, although to look at them they might seem unworthy of the names. Tomorrow I should try to get the roof on at least, for it is going to rain tomorrow night, theoretically, and all day Wednesday. I mentioned to Miriam that I would come again on Wednesday and we could do some stuff together. She’ll be grown soon and I’ll rarely see her.