Barry Pomeroy Main Page
Back to main page Me on my boat, the Whimsey

Photo by Christian Artuso
Building a Wooden Sailboat
How and Why to Design an Off-Grid Electrical System
Living on Nothing and Enjoying Less
The Nobody Has Died Cookbook
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Building a Wooden Sailboat: The Design, Build, and Launch of the Whimsey I follow the process of building from the initial idea, research through boat-building manuals, sketching out the design, purchase of the lumber, and completing the build of a five-thousand-dollar sailboat.

How and Why to Design an Off-Grid Electrical System is a step-by-step manual that describes how to calculate your electrical needs, how to pick a system that works best for you, and how to implement that in an off-grid setting. Each step on your off-grid energy journey is a logical series of questions which can be answered, and once you design and build the system that suits your needs, then you will have learned a lesson in independence and self-reliance.

Living on Nothing and Enjoying Less: An Eco-Handbook for Cheap, Sustainable Happiness is meant for anyone who has wondered how they would be able to cut back their spending and learn to better enjoy their life. I trace my own spending, along with some analysis of the impact of consumerism on society, in an argument for frugality and freedom.

The Nobody Has Died Cookbook: Vegan Recipes and Meal Ideas is meant to be an examination of the cookbook genre, as well as a text savoured as an exercise in writing even while people try making the dishes. I hope that people will modify my recipes to make their own creations and that my recipes will come back, changed.

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