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Photo by Christian Artuso
A Hairy and Fiery Star
A Million Castaways
Blind Fish Series
Coming Home to Newfoundland
Flat Earth
Going to Ground
In Sight of Memory
Life at Sea Series
Naked in the Road
No Lions Anymore
Not Quite Dark
Programming for Life
The First Colonist on Mars
The Last of the Coffin Ships
The Ray Series
The View from Vancouver
Vested Interest
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A Hairy and Fiery Star recounts the diverse reactions to the appearance of a comet in a tiny, isolated, mountain town.

A Million Castaways, my space colonization novel set in the near solar system and the dangers of corporate control of technology.

The Blind Fish Series, which begins with the novella Blind Fish: Locked in the Park is takes place underground where a small group struggle to survive. Blind Fish 2: Lost in the Tunnels details the next twenty years of life underground, including achievement and catastrophe.

Coming Home to Newfoundland, both an environmental treatise and a animal journey novel, this record of a moose journey is meant to enlighten and inspire.

The Epiphytes Trilogy is a hard science fiction series set in the asteroid belt. In Epiphytes 1: Discovery and Escape, Dara has heard about a discovery which has inflamed her wish for adventure and offers a chance to escape her stratified society. When they arrive, it is time for Epiphytes 2: Settlement and Building. Epiphytes 3: Fighting for Home concerns a struggle to survive.

Flat Earth, another science fiction about an ancient utopia and its return to Earth.

Going to Ground: The Search for Home, a road novel about a drifter who senses it's time to come in from the cold.

In Sight of Memory: The Legend of the Lost Colony, a science fiction novel about the desire to control and confront a loss of memory.

The three books of the Life at Sea Series is the story of a series of gales which tear at the edges of Sam's life. A teenager falling in love in Storms on the Atlantic he does not suspect that a squall is blowing up while he is distracted, and in Landlocked his opportunity to be a father and a career man is a storm sail put up too late to keep the bow turned into the wind. When he retires on the west coast in On the Pacific, he finally learns to relinquish control over the currents and the wind.

Malu, the novel about a cave girl whose people have survived into modern times.

Marred, a novel set on Mars that details the exploits of fifteen colonists who have been abandoned by Earth.

Naked in the Road, a tale of a man's attempt to take back his life by going into the woods naked.

No Lions Anymore: Portraits of a Life is the story of one man's struggle to find meaning in the mundane.

Not Quite Dark: A Post-Apocalyptic Adoption Story follows a man and the child he has rescued as they search for a perfect town in a world gone mad.

Planeville, A History of the Lost Village tells the story of Wilhelm, who, an enigma to his peers, went into the woods and built his village, and his descendants lived there for four generations until Planeville was abandoned.

Programming for Life: A Machine to Mind a Child tells the story of a machine tasked with the care of a child after an explosion four and a half light years from help.

The First Colonist on Mars: Courtesy of the Mars Historical Society tells the story of Jack Errores was fighting to survive on a desiccated planet that possesses one percent of Earth's atmosphere and whose regolith is largely silica and poisonous perchlorates.

The Last of the Coffin Ships returns to the solar system colonization project, although this time there is the political will and resources to expand far beyond what any would have expected.

The Ray Series begins with In Light of Ray, a novel about despair and redemption, this story details a man’s drift from the Vancouver streets and the emptiness of dead-end jobs to a choice between embracing community and connection or disappearing into a waiting squalor. In Working for Ray, Sam's slide into despair has been temporarily halted by Rikka, who saves him even as he saves her.

The View from Vancouver tells the story of a homeless man who has been experimented upon and the steps he takes to get revenge, and incidentally ensure the same is not done to another.

Vested Interest details the attempt by two people to put the gutted space programs back together only to find the asteroid Vesta is much more interesting than distant observations would indicate.

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