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The Abyss of the Tortured Self: Narcissism and the Loss of the Other

This analysis of narcissism and the resultant breakdown of relationships begins with a working definition, includes the myth of Narcissus, as well as its more relevant implications, and makes a detour into the history of narcissism's presentation on American television. Beginning with television's profound penetration into the American home, the project then details the shifting face of narcissism until reality television and the construction of the reality TV celebrity brought the viewing audience into contemporaneous times.

Once the narrative is thoroughly awash with celebrities, a brief foray into Sigmund Freud's description of the Superego, Ego, and Id, and the startling findings of those who work with split brain patients, shows the implications both structures hold for an evaluation of narcissism.

The case study which shortly takes over the text follows a relationship from its inception to its end, details the signs of narcissism along the way, such as prostitution, extra-marital affairs, hypochondria, mendaciousness, and greed, and provides a context for those interpretations. Some time is also spent on the fellow inhabitants of the narcissist's space, those enablers who provide the safe harbour from which the narcissist may venture forth to have a place in this story.

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