Back in Kelowna

Soon we were on the highway and a number of hours later in Kelowna where I stayed one night with her. I came down from my shower to find the house full and we all hung out until they decided to go to see the fireworks for Canada Day. It was nearly too late, but we left and drove to the downtown and from there went to meet my nephew who was downtown with his friends. It was a strange evening. Many of the people on the street were young and lots of them drunk and when the fireworks were over, the crowd turned ugly. We left soon and I made plans to meet my nephew the following day.

My sister was initially put out that I was meeting my nephew and would be staying with him, but she recovered and brought snacks to meet us later in the day while he and I clambered around in a gully with ancient trash. We looked through bottles and pondered the fate of old cars, and when she joined us we cut the enterprise short and went with her to the beach and enjoyed the food she’d brought.

Later, we went to the Lake Country Band event, where my nephew played trombone and my sister and I talked. It was late by the time that was over, and although my sister still was pushing for us to come to her house, we persevered and came to my nephew’s where he and I watched a Bollywood movie and talked.

My sister planned to find us the next day as well, but as it turned out we went on a long walk along the lake and she went to the beach with her friend. This evening my nephew is out meeting her for dinner, and I am catching up on my writing and talking to my Montreal friend. It’s a pity I can’t spend the last night with my nephew, but that is not to be.

I plan to leave tomorrow for Bassano, past Calgary, and then through Rosemary and Duchess through to Patricia to Dinosaur Provincial Park where I can possibly camp, if they are not too overfull, and if not, where I can keep going into eastern Alberta.

About Barry Pomeroy

I had an English teacher in high school many years ago who talked about writing as something that people do, rather than something that died with Shakespeare. I began writing soon after, maudlin poetry followed by short prose pieces, but finally, after years of academic training, I learned something about the magic of the manipulated word.
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