Back with my Mouth

My trip to the city was successful after a fashion. I never was able to visit some of the people I wanted to see, but within hours of arriving on Tuesday, I was in a dentist and paying two hundred and fifty dollars to have my molar fixed. It feels less like I am deteriorating now.

I stayed in Fredericton for two days lining up courses for the fall and dealing with some other business. Now that it is Thursday, I am back in the bush. It was nice to arrive today. The bugs have died down a lot, partially because it was quite a bit cooler. It never rose much beyond twenty degrees all day. When I arrived, I began by making a tour of the garden. I see a pea pod coming as well as a few zucchinis from my one successful plant. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI will definitely plant zucchinis again. They do well, and the slugs don’t like them, as long as they have good soil depth and they get their start. Slugs like them when they are young and this plant is the only one that survived out of five I planted in that bed. After looking over my plants, I began cutting the last slab off the log I was working on before I left. Once that was done, I cut up the rest of the wood in the sawhorse and ranked it in the woodshed and then went into the woods with the chainsaw after dead poplars that I have just east of the cabin. There are at least six or so that OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAhave died standing and it is a simple matter to cut them down, snap off their dead limbs and haul them out to the sawhorse. It is now full again, and when the conditions are right and I feel up for more work on my wood stores, I’ll cut them up.

Once that was accomplished, or at least when I was too tired and hungry to continue, I went inside for a snack and then slept for a few hours, making up, no doubt for the late night and early morning.

This evening I watered the garden, and repotted some lettuce in my hanging planter, and then cut some small bushes east of the cabin to clear it out a bit. The mosquitoes have really died down. It’s apparently going to be cold tonight, so maybe in the morning I can get some work done on the tin shed extension. I should finish it and put away the building materials and clean up that part of the yard. Maybe if the bugs hold off, I’ll work on the new bridge too. Ann would be happy about that if she manages to come by on her way back from work.

About Barry Pomeroy

I had an English teacher in high school many years ago who talked about writing as something that people do, rather than something that died with Shakespeare. I began writing soon after, maudlin poetry followed by short prose pieces, but finally, after years of academic training, I learned something about the magic of the manipulated word.
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