Building Inside

This month has flown past, although now that the bugs are here, it will move slower now, I am sure.

Today I spent most of the day inside, reacting perhaps to the rain of the morning. It rained most of the night as well, and the new hose to the pond had its effect, for there was lots of water in the bottom, but it drained out over the day. I need a clay bottom, so I will collect more mud when I have it more dug out.

Inside today, I began by finishing the wall that houses the greenhouse. I finished the cedar cladding, and then almost finished the shelf I meant to have in that corner. I decided to use my pine planks, so it took longer than it would normally, IMG_8079_smallbut it is a real perk to have AC power and my skillsaw and electric hand planer.

My neat room is filled with sawdust and chips again, but it is nice to get that corner done. I will start moving the spare lumber out of here soon, for I have piles of it in the new part but have increasingly little use for it.

I did little with the garden today, although I picked some slugs this morning and evening off my asparagus. They like the young sprouts, no surprise, and also ones that are damaged. I also hauled three buckets of muck, and maybe should have done more of that, since the bugs weren’t that bad if I kept moving. There are some frogs waiting in the swamp, expectant parents, I guess, waiting for the eggs to hatch. My mosquito larvae have nearly all hatched, but rather than check their rate of development, I noticed they all hatched at different times. There seem to be two distinct types of larvae as well, unless it is just two levels of the same.

It is getting dark now, and I’ve taken my picture of the moon again. I hope a few of them are in focus. Maybe I will work on my shelf again tomorrow before I leave, although there is lots else I could be doing.

About Barry Pomeroy

I had an English teacher in high school many years ago who talked about writing as something that people do, rather than something that died with Shakespeare. I began writing soon after, maudlin poetry followed by short prose pieces, but finally, after years of academic training, I learned something about the magic of the manipulated word.
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