Calculating my Work

I have been running around the last couple of days. I spent two days at Kim and Dennis’ working on tiling, although we didn’t work that whole time. The job is drawing to a close, depending on how much more Kim wants done.

I came to the bush Thurs evening when the family went to Erin’s graduation and I was so tired from staying up late talking to people and then waking early that I slept at eight in the evening until three in the morning and then was back asleep from five until eleven. I haven’t slept that much since I was young, or anemic.

Today when I arrived was similar. I did a tour of the garden after I dropped the two sheets of chipboard I brought from the pallet shed, and then came inside to snack and then nap.

The evening was a lazy time with listening to music and doing some rough calculations for the floor covering. It should cost me under a hundred dollars for the half inch foam board under the mismatched covering of chipboard and plywood from pallets. I need twelve sheets of 2’ x 8’ foam board, and more plywood than I have. But I can begin on that job and let the rest wait until next year or more wood. I am in no rush to insulate the floor in the new part.

About Barry Pomeroy

I had an English teacher in high school many years ago who talked about writing as something that people do, rather than something that died with Shakespeare. I began writing soon after, maudlin poetry followed by short prose pieces, but finally, after years of academic training, I learned something about the magic of the manipulated word.
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