There was a bit of rain in the night, but it was still a hot and sunny day today. I pulled out the log I’d cut and peeled yesterday, as well as watered the garden, but most of the day was occupied with editing my second book in the Blind Fish series, Lost in the Tunnels. It is a decent draft, with nearly thirty thousand words that cover most of the story as far as it goes anyway. I will have to work on it some more, but before that, I will finish the on screen editing. Tara will be happy I am getting closer to completion.
That occupied me during the heat of the day, and when it began to cool off I opened the windows and went to sleep, waiting for the thirteen degrees the radio had promised. The cabin stays at five to seven degrees Celsius below ambient temperature on a hot day, which is a relief, but I am hoping for Wednesday’s rain, although I won’t be here. Hopefully, I’ll be in the dentist getting my broken tooth fixed.