Going Back to the Bush

I went to sleep after four-thirty in the morning, so rising at ten wasn’t easy. I had contacted Andrea to meet her for lunch but she is not available until next week so we set a date for Thursday.

It was nice to have a long chat with Carol today, and although I was doing some editing for a friend, we covered a series of topics. Mike and Carol are good friends.

I left for Millville after four in the afternoon and I’d finished my editing, and soon I was visiting with Dennis and Kim’s daughters while Dennis helped his parents and Kim worked in the basement. Miriam and I went to pick up Dennis and used the moment to find and then dig up two asparagus plants at his parent’s place that his mum said I could have. Once we located them, and dug deep to get them, we were on our way back to Dennis’ and Miriam and I smashed old squash for the seeds. I should have a few plants going soon. I should plant a bunch tomorrow, after I deal with the asparagus. I left the heavy bucket with the biggest root by the creek, since it was dark when I arrived and I can go get it tomorrow. I think I will plant them where the mosquito larvae are, after building up the pool with muck. That will give them lots of water and hopefully they grow well there.

I checked the water when I arrived and the solar shower was still warm although the greenhouse was cooling so I took a shower. It is so comfortable in the cabin now. I wonder if that is just my perception because I was accustomed to much rougher circumstances, or it is actually more comfortable.

The cabin is twenty-one degrees now, as I write this and I have stashed my food, saving my appetite for tomorrow. I am nearly ready to write about how people try to game the luck system.

About Barry Pomeroy

I had an English teacher in high school many years ago who talked about writing as something that people do, rather than something that died with Shakespeare. I began writing soon after, maudlin poetry followed by short prose pieces, but finally, after years of academic training, I learned something about the magic of the manipulated word.
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