Working in the Rain

Soon I will have been here for a month, although it seems like less than that. I feel as though I am drifting. Maybe I should make a list of things I want to accomplish here. That way I know how far I am deviating from it.

Today, amongst the showers, I mostly worked on the second garden plot. I finishing the first layer of turf, then the second stick layer and then I hauled a couple of buckets of muck from the swamp. Even when it dries out it is rich and black, so I have great hopes for its fertility. I still have twenty or so buckets to haul, and the distance to the swamp, about two hundred feet, feels like much longer by the time I return with a bucket. I meant to check for fiddleheads today, but the weather was unsettled and so I didn’t want to go on too many possibly pointless errands. The brakes here have just begun to erupt, so the fiddleheads near the creek will be another few days I would guess.

I tarried near the swamp today, picking out rocks and even shoveling out some muck in the main swamp. I’m not sure I will ever be able to make something of that sometimes pond, but I will pick away at it. I saw some bees buzzing around some early catkins on a tree rather like a willow. I wondered what they would find to eat so early in the season.

After I did some garden work, I was distracted by the pond, IMG_8064_smallwhat I should be calling the hole. I shoveled and picked away at it with my mattock and shovel and managed to double its size. I still can’t tell how deep I will be able to go, but I am not there yet at least.

Once the rain was too heavy to continue, I went to the new part of the cabin and worked on the hinged counter for my kitchen, the window box holders for the window boxes from Mike and Carol, and another few feet of wall in the south east corner of the new part. I am working on that wall slowly. That is largely because I don’t have building plans after that is done. There is no hurry when I have no other rainy day project. I will have to invent one when I am done the walls and gable ends. I am planning a shelf for the same corner, although I may be shelf heavy by the time I am done. I seem to use them all, if only for knickknacks, but they make a place look cluttered.

About Barry Pomeroy

I had an English teacher in high school many years ago who talked about writing as something that people do, rather than something that died with Shakespeare. I began writing soon after, maudlin poetry followed by short prose pieces, but finally, after years of academic training, I learned something about the magic of the manipulated word.
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